This is concerning the live 'lecture'/'seminar'—as hosted upon the online website known as 'Zoom'—by the 'National Gallery'; of which the known title is 'Death, Skulls, and Witches: The National Gallery on Hallowe'en; an experience/'event'; of which I joined/ and was in attendance of.
My Personal Question(s):
Question One:
Hello; thank you very much for the opportunity of this experience. Seemingly the notion of 'magic', has existed, permeated, and made manifest throughout possibly each society, civilisation, and culture (as developed, and 'known') of/within 'humanity'.
Perhaps as a means to elucidate upon—and acquire erudition towards—the 'internal'; the 'external'; and the experiential information of the human 'condition'.
My question concerns whether this concept extends further; beyond the human 'entity' (and of human expression); including in addition other forms of life, and/or beyond; what is your opinion of this? Is what I would like to ask; the opportunity again is greatly appreciated.
I am meaning to 'say'; is this idea of the 'magical'; uniquely human?
My Personal Question(s):
Question Number Two:
A recognition of mortality (of 'death'); and within/through the expressions of it; has seemingly been studied (and possibly shown to be extant) within other organisms (notably where a 'higher intelligence' is believed to exist); examples being animals, mammals, specifically 'apes' continuing to care for their young beyond the moment of death; and 'corvids' placing objects 'unique', and 'salient'; adjacent to 'their'/the 'fallen'/'passed'. Does this mean that 'ritual', and 'reverence'; are concepts more 'universal'; and seemingly beyond the 'anthropic' perspective alone?