Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

My Personal Thought(s)

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

My personal thought(s)

Questions (01/10/2020)

My first question:

Organised, systematic communication—seemingly—within a written form; has long been the preserve of the chosen few (something esoteric, guarded; a transmission of power, knowledge, and influence); throughout much of recorded history.

Within its origins, 'writing' appeared to have been a divisive technology; challenging the power, and importance—as then perceived—of 'memory' (considering the mythologies of the Mesopotamians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and Greeks).

My question is:

Concerning recent advances within the study of 'mnemonics' (and similar learning techniques); what importance do you think 'literature' has—connecting perceptions, with memory—as learned, intelligent experience?

My next question:

Narrative, and story—seemingly—have a significant effect, and power upon the human mind, and thought. The origins of recorded communication (of 'art', and 'writing'); appear intimately connected to mythology, and early spiritual, and cultural beliefs—the concept of 'euhemerism'—as can be observed of/evidenced by the Phoenician scribe 'Taautus'; the Egyptian 'Thouth’; the Alexandrian 'Toth'; and the Greek 'Hermes' (the Hellenistic 'Hermes Trismegistos'; or 'Thrice-great Hermes').

My question is:

What significance do you think 'literature' has; within inspiring, moving, and influencing people; and what purpose/function can technology have (in providing 'meaning'); in the facilitation of this?

My next question:

'Language'—seemingly—is a word often associated with 'communication'; whether within conceptual forms ('art', 'literature' etc.); or as external vocalisations; there is often a debate, however, as to whether this is a small facet of what 'language' 'is'; a proposition of the idea/concept that 'language' is a systematic 'processing' of organised (internal) 'thought'; and that external modes of self-expression are an ancillary result, of a more 'fundamental system'.

My question is:

To what extent do you think that external communication is an outgrowth/'by-product' of an evolved (possibly mutated) adaptive cognitive system of the brain; and what importance does 'literature' have (as a learned 'technology'); within affecting thought, and influencing expression?