Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

My Cerebration: A Thought Further: Intentionality: Cause, and Effect (2)

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

Consider that it is of a greater risk towards one’s sense of self, to harbour doubts—concerning one’s thoughts, and beliefs—than it is to challenge said ‘beliefs’ (by entertaining the notion that they lack authenticity, accuracy, and ‘validity’). In other words that—within a sense—one possesses a bias towards an acceptance of ‘truth’, as antithetical to it through a denial by perspicacity, and discrimination.

One seeks ‘truth’, as opposed to acknowledging ‘falsity’ (or its presence therein); meaning people begin with a belief concerning an experience/situation (and then proceed to attempt to challenge it) than assuming—instead—initial impartiality (as a perspective equipoise; or one of ‘neutrality’).

Consider this further…