Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Personal Philosophical Principles

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

A collation of personal thoughts, gleaned from my own writing; reflecting my current sentiments, and interpreted through emblematic expressions.

These words--although personal by nature--are subject to interpretation; and are distillations of the principles outlined further within my own writing:

  • I construct my present, to design my future; though in so doing, I destroy my past.
  • You are the result of yesterday's thoughts, today's words, and tomorrow's actions.
  • Fear is the shadow of doubt, a doubt created of one's own fear.
  • The act reveals, what the word conceals. 
  • Focus not on the claws, but the tail. The pounce was launched many steps prior.
  • Sublimate your fears, your doubts, and your frailties; use these as the materials to construct the mask to which you wear. 
  • To play the game, is to first learn the rules, to discover one's position, to see one's purpose, and to act to its realisation (its 'resolution'). Though time has since past, and the rules have changed, the purpose has changed; and so to the game has changed also.
  • The immortal has much to lose, for as with the coniferous tree, up-root it, and it will perish; though leave it, and it will only harden with time.

    There is a likelihood, that these personal phrases will be further elaborated upon, illustrated, and provided with a degree of context, within my work.