Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Philosophical Ramblings/Discursive

Jay Lockwood Carpenter1 Comment

Is a thought, an act, or the causality of such beholden to the concept of right, or wrong; if another were not 'present' to deem it so? Are we reliant on consensus to inform us of this?

Although to exist is inherently 'good' (or is seen as such) it is reliant upon the 'evil' that pervades it; an evil that at its source provides the counter (often a being, an agency, or that which is similarly so). For one is not without the other. It is thus suggested that 'good' does not exist without the 'evil' that defines/provides its meaning. The discoveries of humanity aid in the 'defeats' against the fears stemming from the unknown; though should humanity (through such efforts) realise all that which can be known; to approach the last in all frontiers (should such limitations exist) than would not this inherent 'stagnation' be the downfall of humanity? Where challenge in itself provides the purpose, and that to 'exist' is not enough. Society exists within the rules of today; though through the challenges of tomorrow.

Lead an examined life.