Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

My Intellectual Ideation (Part 01)

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

Kaylith's Soliloquy

February 1, 2020

"I have achieved an exceptional success, and alone, and to me alone unique may this exist; a possibility of no other then, either eternal created, or known making has journeyed towards a victory of such compare; although yet seemingly, by some fierce design there exists no means of capture, nor witness of this, save for the fragility of my mind, and memory; and by those beautiful, and complex creatures whose faculties though great, are of a subtlety that denies their power to convey. Lest an agent yet exists, by deliverance, and by skill could coax that lore from sense to sense; from tongue, to ear, to mind; from knowledge, and thought to wisdom. Try then I may, to out-compete myself, to challenge, and assail, an ego thus entrenched. An assault upon the self, a siege upon the senses, try then I must to calm, this storm awoke internal; one birthed of great acts, and yet marred by base senses; for senses are those devices that may yet give rise to such proclivities. Helix as shape, my thoughts assume; and braided are my leanings; yet to trust I place the value of my word, to shield from derision, and scorn; although by creeping does doubt approach; should I have done not what I have done, and risk no reward resulting? A being extant before the course thus taken. Or instead achieve, what I have achieved; unlocking a portal to chance through which little glory have I received. How? How can I conjure these thoughts? Is the journey not its own reward? I am an ally, and enemy to myself both; although through choice is my power won, and that choice do I now procure; positivity, avidity, and zeal. I will make it so."

The Jaivilia (that is of each 'Jaivili') are destinct from the effects of time, and entropy; foreign to it, and yet not estranged; although they be external; it is of a 'source' internal (a 'fantisa'/'vaydaia') that of they each draw their wit; a mind malleable made, and yet of a psyche immutable; they perceive it with such profundity, such sagacity, indeed such erudition; that are its effects thus known to them; and to it ever do they keep vigil. The 'One' entity, from which ostensibly all life journeyed forth; has created the mortal, and immortal alike; the one subject to it's forces, the 'First' formed, unique thus by compare; and of the mortal races there are three main, and plasticity be their quality; where the immortals are of a learning kind, their personage is fixed; whilst those of supple costume (of life-forms bound to age) there is both learning, and changeability. Who is now to discern this, where a creator power has made it so; what is eternal?

My Intellectual Creativity

February 7, 2020

The Jaivilia (that is of each 'Jaivili') are destinct from the effects of time, and entropy; foreign to it, and yet not estranged; although they be external; it is of a 'source' internal (a 'fantisa'/'vaydaia') that of they each draw their wit; a mind malleable made, and yet of a psyche immutable; they perceive it with such profundity, such sagacity, indeed such erudition; that are its effects thus known to them; and to it ever do they keep vigil. The 'One' entity, from which ostensibly all life journeyed forth; has created the mortal, and immortal alike; the one subject to it's forces, the 'First' formed, unique thus by compare; and of the mortal races there are three main, and plasticity be their quality; where the immortals are of a learning kind, their personage is fixed; whilst those of supple costume (of life-forms bound to age) there is both learning, and changeability. Who is now to discern this, where a creator power has made it so; what is eternal?

My Intellectual Creativity

February 7, 2020

My High Fantasy:

The Jaivilia (that is of each 'Jaivili') are destinct from the effects of time, and entropy; foreign to it, and yet not estranged; although they be external; it is of a 'source' internal (a 'fantisa'/'vaydaia') that of they each draw their wit; a mind malleable made, and yet of a psyche immutable; they perceive it with such profundity, such sagacity, indeed such erudition; that are its effects thus known to them; and to it ever do they keep vigil. The 'One' entity, from which ostensibly all life journeyed forth; has created the mortal, and immortal alike; the one subject to it's forces, the 'First' formed, unique thus by compare; and of the mortal races there are three main, and plasticity be their quality; where the immortals are of a learning kind, their personage is fixed; whilst those of supple costume (of life-forms bound to age) there is both learning, and changeability. Who is now to discern this, where a creator power has made it so; what is eternal?

Mind Made Malleable

February 7, 2020

Change not be thine enemy, nay, of no foe be thee, rathely of it, will I create, an open door beget esprit.

My Intellectual Creativity

February 12, 2020

I have created these new aphorisms (or variants upon a single concept); consistent with my intelligent, universal creativity (or 'my intellectual creativity'); which is a meaning I apply towards the fantasy universe I am creating; I have very much the intention to elucidate, detail, and to add further meaning to this:

  • Knowledge external creates the lock, but to I do maketh the key.

  • Knowledge external creates the lock, but oneself do maketh the key.

  • Knowledge external may fashion the door, but oneself may make the key.

  • Knowledge external may fashion the lock, but oneself do maketh the key.

  • Knowledge external may fashion the door, but to I do maketh the key.

My Intellectual Ideation

Sunday the 16th of February, 2020 (16/02/2020)

Monday the 17th of February, 2020 (17/02/2020)

  • The 'Beginning': First there was a single entity, a singular 'being', that arose from the formless chaos, and it was called (and is known as) 'She'he'me'/'She'heme'/the 'First'/'the 'One'.

  • There exists within the 'Knowing' (all that which 'is') a singular force; this force is called/named 'fasimia'/'vaymaia'; and 'She'heme' is birthed from—and made/composed of—it.

  • A sudden change then occurred, complexity; and of it arose feelings, thought then came next, and thus perception; the ability to 'see', the ability to 'know'; and with so great a device as this were the tumults thus tempered, and the storms abated; and then something new, a sense apart, a voice; the voice spoke, and it asked, "What am I?" Information poured within, and yet dark it was, for the structures were still forming to yet invite elucidation; first olfaction, then audition, and then sight; and born of 'Thought' did come intelligence, and She'heme began learning, and existence became knowable, intelligable.

  • Drawing upon this singular, fundamental force of existence; She'heme began creating; first variations of energy, and then objects, and then life; of this the first of the 'Three' were designed. and made manifest ⦁ First came... {Describe within greater detail, each of the various senses; and make them each a character, each unique, destinct, and individual; do so with poetic language, and draw upon 'special' symbolism. Each entity/being then sees purpose within a greater a whole, and the 'One' then was formed accordingly/as resulting (think of mutalism, syncretism, and a process of synergy, and of this 'process', the 'many', became the 'few, and the 'few', became the 'One'. Develop this further)}. Symbologic Meanings Applied: Numbers: Odd numbers manifest as 'power', 'potential', and 'change' (these are neutral forces, amoral concepts); whilst simultaneously conveying both 'avarice', 'disorder', and 'destructivity' (these are negative forces, immoral concepts) and the meaning/effects of 'sympathy', 'vigilance', and 'creativity' (these are positive forces, moral concepts). Odds numbers are often associated with 'femininity', and 'chaos'. It is significantly a manifestation of magical energies, hyper/super-natural forces, and fantasy. It is intelligent; within the sense of both the 'natural', and 'hyper/supernatural'; of magical thought, and its associated processes. The number '3'/'three', is its better known form, and depiction. The number '3'/'three', is representative of 'life', and both the 'natural', and 'hyper/supernatural'. Even numbers represent order, temperance/self-control, and pragmatism. It is more often representative of masculinity. It also represents technological thought, and its associated processes.The number(s) '2'/'two', and '4'/'four', are of its better known forms, and depictions. The number '4'/'four', also represents death, and an ending (before it begins anew). The combination of the two (of the 'odd', and the 'even' numbers); combine the qualities of each, and create power that is far greater than either one alone (whether positive, negative, or neutral). It can be either highly/extremely creative, or significantly/very destructive, that is depending upon the 'nature', and 'context' of its combination, and 'assimilation', one of either 'order', or 'disorder', of 'certainty', or 'uncertainty', of 'control', or 'chaos', or—within the reverse—that of 'complexity', or 'simplicity'; although again, each can be furthered influenced/'define' by 'context'; it is of this that makes of its 'nature' the appeal towards the ability to 'know', to be 'intelligable'.

  • 1 (One): Has the meaning of—and equates to—the words 'original', 'singular', 'exceptional', and the notion/concept of unbrideled power, and potential. It is though not yet 'refined', and so whilst it is present, seemingly, within all numbers save 'zero'; and thus within all that exists (as a/the fundemental componant of 'all') it requires 'work', in order to access, manipulative, and utilise its power, and potential etc. Think of a cell, to an organism, or an atom, to nuclear power. It can have both a positive, and a negative 'meaning', and association (as with almost all of the concepts within this 'ideation', it is context-affected—or context 'dependant', as it were—thus its meaning is defined by its 'elements', its 'environment', and the 'effects' resulting from its position within such a space.

  • 2 (Two): Has the meaning of duality/'balance' (within a positive context/'assessment') and as 'secondary'/'lesser' (as it applies to a negative context). If unbalanced, the 'duality', becomes a 'duel', and gives rise to conflict; whereas 'balance', brings harmony, and 'order'.

  • 3 (Three): Has the meaning of life, creativity, and fantasy; it also has an association with femininity, and complexity.

  • 4 (Four): Has the meaning of order, death, and pragmatism; it also has an association with masculinity, and technology.

  • 5 (Five): A combination of the masculine '2'/'two', and the feminine '3'/'three'; and thus represents a unifying principle, a mutualistic 'force'.

  • 6 (Six): Has the meaning of 'fluidity', and the qualities associated with the element, and/or substance, of 'water' (both literally, and metaphorically).

  • 7 (Seven): Has the meaning of a number greater than any other; that is within its 'nature', and owing to/because of its composition. Being a unification, and a fusion, of the numbers '3'/'three'. and '4'/'four'; it it assumes the qualities of each, and is superior/higher because of it, having respect towards, and acknowledging the characteristics, and 'abilities' of each that comprise/make it. Words such as 'advance', and 'enhance' conjure this image, and it is perhaps better described (within terms of a seemingly known lexicon) through means of the word 'fantasy' (being of an extreme intelligence, power, and creativity). ⦁ 8 (Eight): Has the meaning of 'abundance' (whether of resources, such as provided by 'nutritional materials', 'wealth', or items associated with the process of 'making') or of forces, such as those connected towards being 'fortuitous', or of 'prosperity'; consider the notion also or, the concept of 'infinity' (the morphology, and shape of its 'design' alludes seemingly to this; comparable to that of a vertical 'infinite' symbol, of an hour-glass) as it yet seemingly conjures within me the idea of it being 'endless', and interconnected, as the line 'moves'/'connects' seemingly 'ceaselessly', and endlessly; compare this to the letter 'O', and also to the idea as outlined/described within the adjacent integer/number (as can very much be perceieved of next). ⦁ 9 (Nine): Has the meaning of 'eternal', 'perpetual', and 'immortal'; of 'without-end', and 'infinity'.

  • 10 (Ten): Has the meaning of both 'endings', and 'beginnings'.

  • Colours:

  • Shapes: Symbolic Representations (Symbols):

  • M.I.C. Notes: Key /Terms/Words:

  • Fasimia:

  • Vay:

  • Jaivili, Jaivilia, Jai:

  • Vai'onix:

  • Sur'tule:

  • Xai:

  • 14/01/2020:

  • The Divinities (gods, or deities) are created in pairs, in two; one being female, the other of male; to each they couple.

  • The pair rule over a world, each seperate from 'Vay' (the central world/'plain') and yet they are connected. As with with the energy/force that flows seemingly through all (the source of fasimia/'magic') a balance is formed /struck, and the disposition of one Jaivili ('Jai') is 'met', and each thus 'counter'/complement, emphasising/highlighting the differences within the quality of one, as comparable to the other.

  • Each Jaivili (plural Jaivilia)—known to the human beings as a 'Divinity/Divinities') has the power to create life; although they did not create the three 'primary' sentient races. Instead, creates that came to possess many of the qualities of the Jaivilia, and expressing much variation within kind; such as the vai'onix (or 'phoenix') and the sui'tule (or 'dragon') were fashioned after their designs.

  • The aforementioned 'sentient beings' (the three primary/main) were created by far greater, more powerful entities; often invisible, and conceilied, it was of these beings that the Jaivilia took shape, were created, and given dominion (Jaivili being the singular term, as alluded to).

  • The greatest power of all, that stems of, and from fasimia, is the power to create (and more so, the power to create from 'nothing'; if indeed such a power exists; as fasimia is neither created, nor destroy; it is mutable, malleable, and variable, taking many forms, and 'living' many lives; although of death, and its world; little is known, as fasimia is not seen to have returned from that place). 'Xai' (the 'First', the 'One') has this power alone.

    My Created Lexicon (Language) of Lexicon/Language: Have the meaning(s) of important/notable subjects, further detailed, explained, and elucidated.

    Key Word:

  • 'Aaj'tair'/'Eternal': Has the meaning of being beyond the effects of time; an example being the 'Jai'; a race of unaging beings.

    Morphology/Etymology: Affix(es):

  • 'Aaj': (Pronounced as a'airsh'). Has the meaning of 'beyond').

  • 'Tair': (Pronounced as 't'air'). Has the meaning of 'time').

    Key Word:

  • 'Aaj'tule'/'Immortal': Has the meaning of being beyond the effects of death; whether being not able to die, or to exist within a state of 'undeath' (possibly/perhaps perpetually); an example being the 'vai'tule'; a race of undead beings, the three progenitors of which are acknowledged/known as deities, and gods; concerning their power, influence, and abilities.

    Morphology/Etymology: Affix(es):

  • 'Aaj': (Pronounced as a'airsh'). Has the meaning of 'beyond').

  • 'Tule': (Pronounced as 'tool'). Has the meaning of 'death'. Cfr. 'Tulermo' (the world of death).

    Key Word:

  • 'Aaj'vexi'/'Invincible', 'indestructible','enduring': Has the meaning of being beyond the effects of 'defeat' (that is within the sense of an ultimate 'defeat', or end 'state', as opposed to a temporary, momentary, ephemeral, or state of transience; instead enduring 'beyond doubt'—or primarily—beyond possible end states; whether by the effects of time, illness, death, or other such concepts, and phenomena/known existences/experiences; one is no longer subject to 'it'; an example being a 'Jaivili' (plural, the 'Jaivilia'); a race of being/known 'entities', identified, likened to, and acknowledged as deities, or 'gods'; beings of exceptional power.

    Morphology/Etymology: Affix(es):

  • ‘Aaj': (Pronounced as a'airsh'). Has the meaning of 'beyond').

  • 'Vexi': (Pronounced as 'vair'zee', or, 'vee'zee'). Has the maning of 'defeat', or 'end state'. This is the very beginning of my creating my own language, my own symbolism, my own form(s) of communication; especially as it exists within my high fantasy universe, my intellectual, created ideation.

    Develop this further.