Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Informationally:- Chromatic-Value

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

. I acknowledge that seemingly 'black' is considered as being achromatic; and colour theory can make known many alternative considerations accordingly; and whilst being seemingly 'primarily' a 'value'—an extreme along a spectrum, or perhaps potentially/possibly more so a continuum—as it is known; I 'understand' it as having chromatic value, as a colour, a 'hue' (within the context of 'chroma'); and not so much the absence of colour; but as white is often seen as a composite, and 'amalgamation' of the visible light section of the electro-magnetic spectrum; it is actually black—within my mind—that is an 'amalgamation'; white redirects a form of energy (or can do in connection/association with perspective, and the observation via subjective experience); where as black 'captures', and 'collects' that 'energy'; as the energy is seemingly not being reflected; although instead 'absorbed' (transferred), and changes accordingly; as can be attested to the retention of heat; and whilst why white can be seen as having a cooling effect within a locality of high temperatures; it can be conducive additionally to either 'wear', or to fashion materials as black 'containing'; meaning electrical, and high-energy objects, devices, and subject matter; may find both efficiency, and efficacy; within a black substrate; I try not to speak to absolutes; although within the context seemingly of a type of 'valence'—a value hierarchy—and the potentiality of this to awareness, and the relational aspects of attention; then seemingly black (and by extension 'blue' as a variation upon 'black'); is my 'favourite' chroma accordingly...