I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to not only be within attendance of the—as of this post—recent 'Vertex' industries event (with a focus upon creativity, technology, and design) although also having the means to forward my own question; one that I had considered within the moment, as I had listened, and experienced the then 'current' conversation unfold, and develop; it is a subject that is of significance, and interest to me, and so I asked a question concerning, where does the 'balance' exist, between providing elucidation, and exposition to the audience/participant(s), and by leaving information 'un-gleaned' upon, thus through missing description, and 'detail', may one invite mystery, and the potential for further exploration, for chaos, where otherwise 'order' may reign supreme, and dominant the space of the work accordingly/resulting.
The accompanying video is to be found/located here: https://youtu.be/q0vwuboACYU