Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

My Own Opinions: Personal Affirmations

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

I will emphasise that the views expressed within this page, are entirely my own (and are therefore subjective). They are not expressed/included to cause offence --as I understand that people's opinions differ significantly, and on a variety of subject matter-- though they are instead designed to incite further debate, to encourage inquisitive minds to challenge, and to question; and to detach oneself from personal feelings, so far as to form an understanding of the sort of future they themselves --and within relation to others-- would like to construct.

I believe that through reasoning, discussion, and by developing an understanding; disparate ideologies, differing opinions, and alternative perspectives can find common ground amongst each other, and in so doing, develop a mutual respect for a society of their own making.

We are not so different.