Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Detrimental Hypocrisy

Jay Lockwood CarpenterComment

Do not feign your love for animals... You might have yourself convinced of this falsity, though others are not so easily fooled. You assert such absurd beliefs which stem from little else than your own self-serving conceit. You detach yourself from reality, for on a deeper level (one would hope) you recognise the cruelty within your actions. You enact little else other than to satiate your own savage barbarism,  whilst rescinding the life of another, casting it into nothingness; and contributing ultimately to the destruction of a once greater bio-diversity (the source of so much of our medicines, and modern technologies). Worst still, you seek to convince your children that this course is 'just', perpetuating further hatred towards the 'other' (why else re-package the dead flesh into appealing shapes) what lessons are you teaching them? That it is okay to take, and care not for the consequences? You strive to convince them of this, for it often takes much convincing before a child is willing to abandon their own instincts, recognising in it that this practise is counter-intuitive.

If this is the way in which you treat the things you allegedly 'love', than I shudder to consider the fate that awaits those other targets of your affection. Or is it simply that we choose what lives, and what dies? It lives if it serves our wants (and not our needs) though expires if it does not? Why stop there, human beings are animals also, should we not choose amongst those whose value is enough to ensure their survival? Let's assign human beings into convenient categories, and assess their compatibility in contributing to our lifestyles. Though do ensure that you harvest their remains, for otherwise, what a terrible waste that would be...


Further Considerations:

  • There are some --though few by comparison-- exceptions worth noting; for example... Felines are obligate carnivores, meaning they must consume animal protein in order to ensure their continued survival. They are 'exempt' as an exception to the conditions proposed, though arguably, they are at a serious evolutionary disadvantage. This is because they are being out-competed from the dwindling resources they require, as humans continue their unsustainable actions. Therefore they are reliant upon human beings to maintain their species (as is evident within their behaviours, and likely their early interactions with humans, which much evidence would have us belief was enacted of their own volition).