Jay Lockwood Carpenter

Concept Design & Illustration

Current Sentiments 03

Jay Lockwood Carpenter1 Comment


  • To what extent is a person compelled to act of their own volition? Is a sense of self enough to influence such control? Motivated by the presence of prior experiences, are we more so the result of repeated decision-making; to form the habitual 'tendencies' of our conscious existence? What is mind, and what is body? Where is the demarcation of the two? Are we the directors of change, or simply the product of reactions to outside stimuli? What is authentic? Are we to accept our position static, or view a malleability conducive to the influence of the 'other'? Perhaps to question, in itself is to detach ourselves from routine --from cause, and effect-- offering (if only momentarily) the opportunity, and ability to remove ourselves from the currents of life, before motion takes hold once more.