- The equivocal essence of the work, stems not from the subtlety of line (or lack there of) the established marks as deemed evident, nor to the correlation of said mark making, in frequency, relativity, or aesthetic; though in the ambiguity of the content itself, where the visual elements provide the catalyst for further thought, interpretation, and possibly a resulting action.
The irony of such an ideation being, that to state a work must be conducted a certain way --the primacy of content, above technique-- is to deny that one can, and often does in-form the other. That through a given process may one be led to further discovery. As with neuro-plasticity, the somatic is to neurology, as the neurological is to the spiritual. To underestimate the importance of function above result (not so much cause, as the means to achieve effect) to elevate the latter with little credence to the former; is to deny, in part, the cyclical nature of what it is to exist.